
How to Target Millennial Audience Expertly through Marketing Campaigns at No Cost

May 3, 2021 4 min read
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Everyone is vying and targeting for the attention of the largest living generation – the millennial audience.

If your target audience is millennials, you are targeting 2 billion people worldwide. Yes, that many!

According to an Accenture report, American millennials spend almost 600 billion dollars each year. So naturally, why wouldn’t brands want millennials to notice them?

But—like everything else—this attention usually comes at a cost. Brands spend a lot of money on creating marketing campaigns for their target audience: millennials.

In the article, we will tell you how to attract this generation for free by optimising your social media performance, elevating your web page layout, using memes and trends, staying true to your brand and more.

Why is targeting millennial audience is important, and who are they?

millenials, our target audience play PS

Pew Research Centre notes that everyone born between 1981 and 1996 is a millennial. In 2021, they consist of people between the age group of 25 years and 40 years.

Millennials – who suffer a bad rep for being lazy and annoying – are tech-savvy, financially conscious, brand loyal and deeply care about a brand’s values and impact.

How can you target millennial audience through free marketing campaigns?

millenials target audience

1. Social media

> It goes without saying: social media is your best marketing bet, no matter the generation. But with the target audience of millennials, it becomes all the more beneficial.

> Want to guess how many millennials use social media daily? A whopping 90%! (That’s almost every single one)

Plus, almost 40% of Instagram’s 1 billion monthly active users are millennials too.

> Amazing, right? But it’s not enough for your brand to have a social media page. Millennials expect more. Specifically, 62% of millennials feel that they will be more loyal to a brand if it engages with them on social networks.

2. Trends

> If your target audience is millennials, then you must keep up with what’s trending among them.

> Brands like Netflix, Oreo, and Durex do so successfully. Their marketing campaigns use trending topics—be it sports, politics or anything at large.

> Study how other brands optimize trends to their advantage. It’s essential if you want to know how to target millennials at no cost.

3. Memes

> Yes, memes. Memes are the language of the internet. They are so essential that they are a part of marketing courses in schools and colleges.

> Humour and honesty through memes is a great way to set yourself above the rest. Almost all millennials exchange memes daily. It’s a sure-shot way to connect with and engage your target audience: millennials.

> Meme marketing helps your brand get organic engagement. So, all you have to do is check out the trending memes. Then—as ironic as it sounds—you’ve got to jump on the bandwagon to stand out as a brand! That’s to say: create your rendition of the trending meme.

4. Rewards

> Who doesn’t love rewards? They make you feel acknowledged, happy and accomplished.

> Given that—if you want your target audience of millennials to not just buy from your brand but also promote it—give them rewards! Studies show that nearly 50% of millennials will promote your product on social media if they get something in return.

> Uber is a prime example of this. They noticed that millennials were using word-of-mouth to promote their services. To increase this, they started a ‘free ride’ reward campaign. With this, the user would get a free ride for promoting their service to others!

Zero cost, significant profits!

5. User-generated content

> Word-of-mouth is among the best ways to attract your target audience— millennials—at no cost. Plus, almost 80% of users look online before buying a product or service. Why? Because: users trust other users. They are looking for genuine reviews.

> So, optimise user-generated content by inviting customers to share their reviews. Another tactic that brands use is urging customers to use their hashtag on social media to share photos, videos and reviews!

6. Blog Posts

> When customers go online to look for product or service reviews, they typically land on blog pages! That’s what your brand needs to have, too: a well-designed blog page. If you need help or expertise for creating a user-friendly, profitable and eye-catching blog page, use our reliable and high-ranking services.

> More than 30% of millennials like to read blogs before making a purchase. So make sure that you put up SEO (Search Engine Optimization)-friendly content. It ensures that your brand’s message reaches your target audience: millennials.

In planning how to target millennial audience, always remember to stay true to your brand, be authentic and avoid click-baits and controversial messages.

Conclusion for how to target millennial audience

From social media, trends and memes to word-of-mouth methods and more—there are numerous ways to win over your target audience of millennials. Millennials appreciate personal, humorous and feel-good campaigns. So even if you don’t have a budget, our tips on how to target millennial audience are all you need to make a significant impact.

Is your target audience millennial, check out our site or get in touch with us directly, and we will help your business grow using these techniques!

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